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Celbrite works closely to leading IT solution providers and has access  to the best consultants available in the market today. We get the right people into your organisation to provide you with the information and advice you need. We can assist IT managers build a compelling case for change within their organisation and guide you through the technology changes that your business must make to compete effectively in your market place. Get on the front foot before your business loses ground on the competition. 

IT Solutions for Business Problems

Globalization concept

Cloud Computing

Is it the answer? Well that really depends because sometimes it isn't the best option for your challenges in your organisation.

Do you have a strategy? If not, you better get one that aligns with what your business is planning on doing in theirs. We can help you.


The next big challenge that every organisation must address. The need for change within IT is coming from Security. Have you really got the funding to invest in the solutions that the Security Companies are recommending. Let us look at your security posture by focusing on the areas you are most exposed to that can cause the most damage. And provide a solution to fix them in a cost effective way.


In less than 10 years our generation will only consume services from mobile devices and If your business cannot be accessed or provide all your services through mobile then you are doomed to becoming irrelevant. Do you have a plan? Well let us help you with easy to consume solutions that will prepare you for your next generation of customers.

1. Fit for Purpose IT Solutions

2. Consultancy & Architecture

3. Managed Implementation

Helping you Choose, Design, Implement 

We look at your problem, assign the best consultant and discuss with you what solutions are available. 

Working collaboratively with your organisation we help you choose the right solution for your business.

We are able to secure and assign leading solution architects to design your solution with you.  

Providing an option to manage your implementation we will take away the effort and cost of implementing the solution yourself. 

End to end we can provide your organisation with what you need. 

Client Consultation

Business Meeting

Solution Architecture & Design

Communication Tower


Digital social media




In the true sense of the word, we focus on consultation that is appropriate to you. It can range from the smallest piece of advice on which product or service is the right choice for you, to larger pieces of work such as defining the security framework that is appropriate in your circumstances. No more consulting engagements that deliver nothing but glamorous "PowerPoints" with no substance. 

Architecture & Design

Get your architecture right in the first place, make sure the design is solid, then build. We have the best solution architects and enterprise architects available for you to ensure you choose the right architecture, that is aligned to your strategy and that you design it correctly within the confines of your environment.


Project Management & Implementation 

If you can't find the right project manager to run the implementation phase of your project, talk to us. We have networked the best project managers in the region who we can call on to run your project. We take full accountability and will deliver for you. We will adopt your delivery framework or put in our own. The caliber of the Project Manager is the most important aspect and we will ensure you get the best person for the job.

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